Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Greatest Inspiration Getters

There are many types of people who can inspire you for various reasons. Sometimes you are inspired for a moment, and sometimes for a lifetime of duty and ambition. Inspiration can be defined as coming from within or without. Inspiration can be recognized as coming from the supernatural or the natural. In the Catholic Church the Saints inspire in their words passed on and their actions lived and recorded by someone, sometimes themselves. But always they act and write out of a desire to do God's will.

In this life sometimes we come across Saints and sometimes we come across those men and women who act Saintly. Either way the acts that they do show God and His loving nature.

When man is able to express God's loving nature well, we are all closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why marriage is so important so that the two people can inspire the love of God in each other and exude that love outward to their children and others.

Thank goodness for inspiration from others and from the Holy Spirit. I can say I have been inspired by many people, especially those that I have and do love, like family and friends. The hope and joy that come from their simple acts of love for God have a much greater power to inspire than they will ever know.

Sometimes when I feel fear or doubt, I rush mentally to look to the saints. St. Louis de Montfort always inspires me because he had a temper and unfilled missionary dreams. St. Therese of Lisieux inspires me in her youth and vitality in daily prayer and thankfulness. St. Francis de Borgia inspires me in his fasting and piety. And they all always lead me back to the Cross of Christ and the knowledge that one drop of His blood is salvation of man for all time.

It is important though to see Christ in those you love so that you are daily, hourly inspired to be better and exude that love of Christ that compels man to act on God's will for their lives.