Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Celebration of Love in Advent

“Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.” 1 Corinthians 13:4

I am laughing now at this last seen of one of my favorite movies.  The ladies are patient and the gentlemen always admit their foolishness.  I am thinking of the amazing way that Love trumps all things. It takes over every thought, almost making one a puppet to ones own desires.

It is funny and wonderful at the same time, because if you ever have the case to fall in love, then you might know Christ’s love.  The first time I fell in love, when I equated it with Christ’s love for us, wow! is all I can say.

So this consuming crazy feeling and thing with a mind of its own is only a small portion of the power of emotion Christ has for us.  Love is amazing too, because it cannot be turned off during hard times or even when you try.  Because God is Love, He can never turn off His love. 

Try to fall in love at least once, first it helps one to die to self, and second, one may be able to understand in a very small way the Love that God has for his people.  And whether you are watching Elizabeth Gaskell’s romances or Resident Evil:Extinction(my other favorite currently!) then you may see a trend for love no matter the circumstances.

Have a wonderful Advent.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Wonders in the Night Sky

Wow!  I just looked for the first time through a telescope at the moon.  It is sooooo amazing!  It's easy to look at the moon in pictures, but when you experience looking at it yourself it is beautiful!

 It is a great analogy for my experience learning about basic principles of theology this semester.  I found I have read a great number of things but I realized that I did not see it the way a theological thinker would see.  I have seen pictures and maps of the moon's craters but never have looked for myself.
  Another excellent consequence of my class is that I started to listen more closely to the priest's homilies.  I am still lacking the full background that I need, but that will come in time.  If I continue the analogy of my first site of the moon, I remember that currently there is research showing vast amounts of the elements that may have brought forth some types of living organisms.  I hope my further study of theology shows such spiritual life and connections for me.

One other realization I have had, among so many, is that I think my friends who have studied theology before me seem to have a greater understanding of human nature.  Some of them are priests, some are DREs, some campus ministers and some teachers.  I see it takes all kinds of theologians just as it takes many types of scientists and sciences to bring together a full knowledge of one idea.  I trust I will continue to look to my friends for their advice as I study theology and learn more of God's divine plan for man.

It is so exciting for me to know that as I have taken my first look at the moon, so shall I grow in theological knowledge (hopefully) to see the inner workings that give spiritual life to man.  The more I study and seek, the more I will see the elements necessary for my own spiritual life.

The Authentic Thanksgiving List

I like this idea of thank yous and thank you lists.  I have been forgetting to be thankful lately I must admit.

I am thankful for...

1. Having a work break and a thinking break.  I don't know how people with electronics around them all the time survive.  I NEED wilderness.

2. Visiting mom and dad in the country.  Can't wait for Mom's home cooked meal Thursday.

3. Visiting my mom's friendly rescued kitty.  He is so sweet. Although I jhnm (<---he jumped on the keyboard!)  Although I am very allergic, I miss having a kitty cat.  They are really nice, but I love my little boston terrier the most!

4. Finishing my first real class in theology.  Though I have taken some classes before religious in nature, they weren't high end academic type classes.  Definitely was challenged, hope I passed!!

5. Living in a country, where as of now, I still have options about my life, religion, freedoms, health, job.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Truth Was Always in the Research

Oh Snap!.  This is from Zenit:

Science Proves Adult Stem Cells More Promising than Embryonic, Says Vatican Official

Rome, Italy, Nov 22, 2009 (CNA).- The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, said this week that the work by two scientists has shown adult stem cells to be much more promising for medical treatment than embryonic stem cells. The use of adult stem cells poses no ethical difficulties and has already contributed to advancing treatments for degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s.

In an article published by L’Osservatore Romano, the archbishop cited the work of two scientists, James Thomson of the United States and Shinya Yamanaka of Japan. Yamanaka was able to create adult stem cells in rats and later using human skin, which he called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, constituting a significant scientific development.

Read on at the link in the title...

What are Embryonic Stem-cells?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Greatest Inspiration Getters

There are many types of people who can inspire you for various reasons. Sometimes you are inspired for a moment, and sometimes for a lifetime of duty and ambition. Inspiration can be defined as coming from within or without. Inspiration can be recognized as coming from the supernatural or the natural. In the Catholic Church the Saints inspire in their words passed on and their actions lived and recorded by someone, sometimes themselves. But always they act and write out of a desire to do God's will.

In this life sometimes we come across Saints and sometimes we come across those men and women who act Saintly. Either way the acts that they do show God and His loving nature.

When man is able to express God's loving nature well, we are all closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why marriage is so important so that the two people can inspire the love of God in each other and exude that love outward to their children and others.

Thank goodness for inspiration from others and from the Holy Spirit. I can say I have been inspired by many people, especially those that I have and do love, like family and friends. The hope and joy that come from their simple acts of love for God have a much greater power to inspire than they will ever know.

Sometimes when I feel fear or doubt, I rush mentally to look to the saints. St. Louis de Montfort always inspires me because he had a temper and unfilled missionary dreams. St. Therese of Lisieux inspires me in her youth and vitality in daily prayer and thankfulness. St. Francis de Borgia inspires me in his fasting and piety. And they all always lead me back to the Cross of Christ and the knowledge that one drop of His blood is salvation of man for all time.

It is important though to see Christ in those you love so that you are daily, hourly inspired to be better and exude that love of Christ that compels man to act on God's will for their lives.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Apostolic Exhortation

"I think immediately of the great possibilities offered by the means of social communication and the means of group communication: television, radio, the press, records, tape recordings - the whole series of audio-visual means. The achievements in these spheres are such as to encourage the greatest hope. Experience shows, for example, the effect had by instruction given on radio or television, when it combines a high aesthetic level and rigorous fidelity to the magisterium." from Catechesis in Our Time

John Paul II specifies the many electronic means we have to advocate Christ toward those who need him most. It is also our duty as faithful Catholics to disseminate the teachings of the Church to the faithful. The reprinted Novus Ordo is an exciting event that will lead to varied interpretation, but the faithful will be depended upon to decipher truth in words.

In Baton Rouge, the current annointing is a desire for 24/7 Catholic radio. The cable stations have bumped out local Catholic channels on the television, so this means of media is a great opportunity to reach many souls. Baton Rouge Catholic Radio is located at this website:

This opportunity cannot pass us by. With the message of Christ in one city, it can be passed throughout the world on the internet and podcast into the hands and thus the hearts of men. The opportunity to support any means that will uphold the rightful teaching of Christ's established Church, is an opportunity worth supporting.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Biblical Theologian to Read

Cool, just found this via facebook via Jeff Miller/Splendor of Truth via The Sacred Page.

New Book by Scott Hahn

The Super Scientist

Super Scientists are about one in a million, but they most likely run in families. Like Dean Venture of the Venture Brothers on, I sometimes need a wet wipe.  Handy dandy little lemony things.

I don't have a speed suit like the ultra 'cool' Rusty Venture, but if I did boy would I be struttin it.  Just think if we could all invent cool things and be attacked by the guild of calamitous intent, life might lead us all closer to Christ.

I would like to admit here: that I watch a cartoon on the internet.  If it helps, my brother got me into it, but it is not for people who are offended by any little ole blasphemas thing.  It has it's interesting points.  My favorite episode so far is when they try to raise money by having a kids camp and one of the kids gets torn up by an experimental ape man that hasn't seen the light of day for 30 years.  They send a juicy clone home with the parents.

Okay, maybe your thinking my sense of humor is a little morbid. Well, it is.  But I am a true optimist in seeing the joy of the super scientist is not the scary robots or the mutilated humanoids, but it is the knowledge that God created Science-Fiction.  And thank goodness for that.  Dr. Venture lovingly offers a wet wipe to his son,(the 17th clone I believe) to wipe away the fear he has thrown up on his polyester speed suit.  Pretty close to the prodigal son, because now the super scientist son can enter his profession with knowledge that there is someone loving who really gets him.

I used to think my dad was like superman, then I became a certain age and started to understand life a little better.  Now I think he is totally a super scientist and I hope it runs in the family.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Prayers of a Mother

I always doubt my own prayers when it comes to something I want.  I know my prayers for others, even around the world, work excellently. But when it comes to me, I rarely get the things I most desire.

So I asked my Mom to pray for me.  She said, "I pray for God's blessings on you every day."  And then today, she called me just to tell me she prayed for something specific for me that I want.  I think this is the first step to get in good with Jesus, because how can he refuse a mother?

When my parents were Brasil for several years working, I was in college and I missed my Mother's hugs the most.  I worked one job until very late at night.  Sometimes at midnight I would get to the perpetual adoration chapel in Kenner and just sit by the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.  One night, I just needed a hug from my mom and I hugged the statue.  Our Lady hugged me right back and it felt like my Mom's hugs! The best!

Our Lady always watches over us all and even though I ask her to pray for me for many things, she knows what is best just as well as Christ.  I pray that she continues to draw people to Christ and maybe one day I'll get to receive a hug from Her in Heaven!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Waking Vision

"Every little star, it starts somewhere"  a line from one of my current favorite songs by Marry a Thief.  You may have noticed a change on my site if you read it at all.  I recently am having a waking image repeated in my head of being surrounded by a brilliant blue and in front of me stands Our Lady in the image of Our Lady of Medjugorje. Pretty cool eh?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Demographic Catholic

Just found a cool new website called Argent by the Tiber.  The link is located in the Web Nebulas section of this site.  Hope I get a chance to read it more extensively soon.

Also, my home parish has just placed in a small alcove a number of 1st class relics.  St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Pio of Pietralina, St. Faustina, A True Relic of the Cross, St Therese of the Infant Jesus and some other awesome saints I can't recall now.  I asked all of them to pray for me so that I might not repeat the many faults I have!

It is nice to see so many faces from so many places in my parish, which is what originally led me to the Tiber site.  I came across this interesting image.  I know some may have seen it before, but I hadn't and I am a sucker for any kind of map.

I am one who can't wait to see the new demographics for Louisiana in 2010 as a reflection of hurricane Katrina.  But I came across this map because I like to dream about moving to some other state, but I can never bring myself to endure too much cold. Besides, who would want to live anywhere beyond 100 miles of New Orleans anyway?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Genuine Baby Killers

It's not even funny what is going down right now.

Have any of these people read the Bill of Rights? Or do they all interpret Freedom as relative only to their determinations?

Find out about what health care bills are up in CON-gress.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Affect of Time Changing

I am affected by time changing, but not in all the ways I want. Duty and work never cease, and love is hard to forget. The first chimney fire of winter lights the dark areas of weariness and poetry emotes warmth for the soul.

by Emily Dickinson
On Nature...

Like mighty footlights burned the red
At bases of the trees-
The far theatricals of day
Exhibiting to these.

'Twas universe that did applaud
While chiefest of the crowd,
Enabled by his royal dress,
Myself distinguished God.

On Love...

It's all I have to bring today,
This, and my heart beside,
This, and my heart, and all the fields,
And all the meadows wide.
Be sure you count, should I forget-
Some one the sum could tell,-
This, and my heart, and all the bees
Which in the clover dwell.

I held a jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep.
The day was warm, and winds were prosy;
I said: "Twill keep."

I woke and chid my honest fingers,-
The gem was gone;
And now an amethyst remembrance
Is all I own.