My last post was about forgiveness and poorly written. I had a severe cold and I don't feel like fixing what I wrote. But I believe it to be true, even though my writing was not up to par.
"I love you, even though." This is something my mother said to me a lot growing up. I have taken it as both a compliment and an insult.
Before I go on, I would like to say something about my mother. First, she taught me about love and therefore about who Christ is. Secondly, she grew up in a broken home filled with fighting and alcoholism. She has known true poverty and hardship. This has played a major role in her development, and knowing what I know, I am able to continually forgive any parenting mistakes I feel she has made with me.
Even though she experienced things that could have made her filled with hate and dissatisfaction, she has chosen to be a caring and loving individual. She always met her children's frustration and anger with love. That example has led me to try to do the same. Love, even though.
Through that love, she has forgiven us continually in our selfishness and shallowness. She has always said it's so important to say you love family even though you may be hurt, angry or proud. You never know if you won't see them again, so tell them you love them.
I am not a very good writer, but maybe this post will touch a heart to love, even though there are hurts and tough times. Merry Christmas.
5 hours ago