Question 1:
How does science fit in with going to Mass every Sunday?
Sunday mass provides your soul with weekly sustenance! In two parts, human and spirit, the tradition of the holy mass feeds the brain and soul.
On the human level, the more we know about the meta-cognitive processes that explain the way we learn and think, the more likely we are to be successful at problem-solving. The human experience is comparable to the scientific method. We see an issue in any instance and usually seek to take an action. Several forces may interact with the collection of data, but the exercise of conscience, helps people to choose right and wrong. The human learning experience is at its height as we try to understand through scripture what the Perfect man chose to do.
On the spiritual level, the mass is digestive. People need spiritual food. The scientific viewpoint for feeding of the soul is like the way in which chemical reactions take place. For example, the breaking down of physical food in the stomach is unseen, but often directly felt. The soul is directly affected by the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Christ. If you do not feed your soul, you will die. If you do not feed your body you will die. The exercise of following traditions that God the Father has established through Jesus Christ brings people that much closer to fullness.
Jesus says to Nicodemus, “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe, if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12)
Read more at:
Sunday’s Reading
Question 2:
Where does Ida the dinosaur fit in with Christian teaching?

“Nothing exists that does not owe its existence to God the Creator.” (CCC 338) This quote comes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church which acknowledges Scripture as divinely inspired by God. Ida is one of the many creatures that God has created. The more scientists study past creatures, the more they see the interdependence of creatures. (CCC 340) The fact that man was made as authority over all creatures is visible and exercisable. Also, man is dependent upon creatures under his authority. These types of scientists iron out the details and hopefully recognize that the beauty of creation found in evolutionary species is the foresight of God the Father.
Read more at:
The Big Bad Biology Lesson
Question 3:
Why is it wrong to use Embryonic Stem-cells?

Embryo is the base word for embryonic, which means the ‘beginning before birth’. This biological field of science reveals the very physical limits and abilities of human cells. In the same way that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) the beginning of man is part of the plan of salvation instituted by Christ. When someone interrupts the beginning, they interrupt the plan of God. Embryonic stem-cells are the beginning of all parts of a human life, which is very different from adult stem-cells which are singular in nature.
See more at:
Fun with Stem-cells: A .GIF Animation
Question 4:
Did God create life in another universe?

Scientists have established that the same chemicals that make up the Earth’s atmosphere are present in the ice shelves of Mars. There are many undiscovered galaxies and some nearby enough to view through a telescope. The limitless possibilities of life in various forms located on other planets boggles the mind. But does this limit a God who created a universe so varied as our own? The answer is God is infinite. Remember an elementary teaching, ‘God cannot stop loving you.’ “And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way” (Isaiah 35:8) We can presume that any being presented before Jesus Christ will be judged righteous or not. Therefore, God has infinite mercy for all beings, and all beings have the ability to receive God’s infinite mercy. As scientists continue to find diversity of creation in this universe, they continue to build our knowledge of the power of God the Father. (Rev. Benedict Ashley, O.P.)
Understand more at:
Man, Mars, and Methane
Question 5:
What impact do I really have on my Environment?

“The beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the Creator and ought to inspire the respect and submission of man’s intellect and will.” (CCC 341) The scientific and political debate on global warming has heated up as we see more drastic natural events. On a planet scale, it is hard to see major long term effects given the changing climate in the history of the world. On the local scale, the long term effects are very easily seen because the dependence of man on the local species, landscape and weather. The fact is that God created this Earth for man to be authority; it is then the duty of man to take care of it.
Small and large living things are affected by human choice. When sins of greed, avarice and sloth become the choice, the Earth suffers and so does man.
See the beauty of God's Earth at:
Galactic Catholic Photo Stream
These questions form a very basic background of some topics relevant to today. There is always room for more scientific discovery in faith!