My neighbor cut the grass in my yard while I was at work Friday. I think he has one of those large mowers that do it really fast. It would have been super great if he hadn't have scalped to the ground the mums and Mexican heather I had planted near my porch.
The first thing I thought was a little anger and how it is exactly the thing my father has done to my mother's plants for 40 odd years. It made me sad but I thought about it and writing my neighbor a note to thank him and ask that I cut my own yard next time. I hope it didn't come across as rude. Honestly, I probably need the help as it's just me for all the work at my house.
My neighbor's act was a kindness and the scalping I needed to forgive. This was such a good opportunity for me to live what the message was on Thursday I think... Luke 9:24 'Take up your cross and follow me." Maybe not exactly what Jesus meant, but the idea was to find love in my heart over the anger and sadness I felt about such a trivial thing.
I am working on it! In the mean time, I have been adding fertilizer to my little plants each day. It will take some time, like all things worth it, but they may grow again.
5 hours ago