There is so much Joy!! in it. I caught three different trees today and my line at least 5 times. My casting improved and my mindset changed to one of determination, until it became past lunch time...
I realized there are so many mistakes you can make in fishing as you go and it doesn't hurt you or anyone else. The mistakes are not something looming ahead like a shadow. They just happen. This may sound crazy to some of you, but I guess I have come to know a certain amount of failure. Most of the time my failure has to do with personal interactions and the expectations others hold about me.
Though I worry about it to some degree, I have never been one to want to meet other people's expectations. Also I hold others to a high expectation, so it's a catch-22. In fishing, there is no one to please but yourself and no expectations of what may come. It's all a surprise.
In the scripture, the disciples go back to what they know after Christ has been crucified. They are fishing when He calls to them on shore as they were when he called them to be disciples. The truth that he brings though is that He is the peace that they seek. But their willingness to search is part of the movement that is required of us to not be mediocre. Learning and practicing a new 'talent' is one way to actively engage in the beauty that God has created for us.
I have been so grateful for my health. It is such a gift, therefore I want to use that gift in a way that I can glorify God. My arms work and I love being outside, so I will fish as long as I am able. I am still learning to walk so to speak, so my journey with this talent is brand new. It is exciting nonetheless and a newly discovered life's treasure.
Prayer for an Atheist and a Fly-Fishermen
Lord, if you want me to see
Let me find you in the shadows.
Let me recognize the ripple on the surface.
Let me try again and again to seek what is unknown.
Do not forsake a fool who hopes in the smallest fly.
For you are the great Creator.
You have cast your hand in all of these
Lakes, rivers and oceans.
Rise up like the morning sun and show me
Where to find you past the dawn and dusk.