Growing up, I always felt different from the other girls in my neighborhood. They had pop star crushes and always found out what their Christmas presents were before they got them. I always took long walks and liked to build things.
Thank goodness for being different. If it weren't for differences then we wouldn't have had one such as the Immaculate Virgin Mary. A priest told me recently as part of a penance, to compare myself with her. I often do this and the Grand Canyon exists between us as far as similarities go. But it was in the context of how to be better and more Christlike.
True faith, I think, is trusting in the will of God for my life. So seeking to be more DIFFERENT, as in different from the world and more like Christ is the true way.
There are lots of ways to be different. I think one sure way is to recognize your failings in 'loving thy neighbor as thyself'. But once you do that to also look at the ways Christ is using your differences to his divine plan.
Be prepared to be attacked though. The world is rejoicing when you fail your conscience. It is his full intention and glee that you become mediocre in faith and apathetic to sin. I think striving to do your best, but with the devotion to scripture and prayer is the way in which the Holy Ghost can most give you the grace to overcome temptation. Be different please! Define your different by the sincerity of living in and through Jesus Christ.
5 hours ago