Some weeks I just can't wait to receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist. I don't work on a schedule that allows me to attend daily mass anymore, and the place I live is vastly different from the very Catholic state of Louisiana. So the assurance of the sacrament on Sundays seems far away on long days like I had last week.
One part of the readings this week refers to Romans 12:1-2 "present your bodies as a living sacrifice" and "be transformed... that you may prove what is the will of God"
The letter to the Romans is so forthright. I have always found it the most engaging letter of scripture. This call to not 'do' what the will of God is, but to 'be' the will of God that He may prove what that will is, is the narrow path.
Most of what I write on this website is part of an ongoing life's reflection. Currently I am reflecting on the role of leadership. At first I thought it was a good thing to be in leadership, but then I realized my focus should not, and can not be for my own aggrandizement. I turned my heart toward trying to inspire the little people I teach. I think to inspire them to care and to love and to learn would be the most important thing that would lead them to Christ. Loving and learning and inspiring is what Christ did while on Earth. The will of God IS good and acceptable and perfect, though I am not, I must move aside and 'be' that will rather than try to 'do' that will myself.
5 hours ago