We are visited by God in a very special way at the Nativity. The 'Horn of Salvation' Lk1:69 and the 'Bringer of the Rising Sun' Lk1:78 is declared by Zechariah at the Presentation of the Lord, where a small child rests in the arms of a wondrous mother in the face of these words.
This visit by God, manifested in human form impacts creations' perception of philosophy, psychology and methodology. When before there was complexity in gaining favor of the various gods or kings, Jesus is the simplicity of a child and exemplifies the love and innocence that a child is. Jesus' thoughts, though divine, are mirrored to our own in life as shown by his thoughtfulness before beginning his public mission and thereafter in encounters with all others. The approach he then takes to share the work of Salvation is methodical yet simple in procedure. The actions he takes are the same that we try to mirror even through our weakness in setback and suffering.
What are we here for? To practice a ritual worshiping a child born? The philosophies of man have developed over time, growing from a child-like questioning to a complexity of reason that borders beyond what is rational reason. Christ verifies that we are here to live. He comes into a 1st century world to exist, and here we are with essentially the same trivialities in the 21st century. Life and breathe happen in the dirty, poor manger where an infant Messiah makes his first pleading cry for the world.
In the years that follow and the decisions that are made, the 'Horn of Salvation' is 'filled with wisdom'. Lk2:40 Christ lives out the struggle of right and wrong, knowing of both, but always choosing the right. The psychology of his actions are made in the heart of Jewish teaching and exhibit a tenacity to live past the deficit of the human form in his thoughts, words and deeds.
He broke that barrier of weakness of the flesh by the study of sacred scripture and the confirmed habit of prayer. This method locked in place a simple but narrow path to follow for those who attempt it. The very action of silent contemplation of God is the way to know and connect with one who made himself weakest of all in the hands of a sinless handmaiden.
Notations are from the 1966 Jerusalem Bible
2 hours ago