The New Orleans Museum of Art had the most amazing art exhibit open today. 'Beyond the Blues' is a collection of pieces of African American artists throughout American history from the Amistad Research Center. One of my favorites was a depiction of the adoration of baby Jesus. I think it is by Rohan Crite (1910-2007). What is shown is only part of it.
She is so beautiful in this image. I learned about another artist that a fellow blogger mentioned recently. African American Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937) painted many biblical scenes including the one Mary and Me mentioned recently for the Annunciation. Tanner did not choose to depict black subjects but instead held with biblical and classical images in his work. I was excited to see his work that is almost impressionistic, but shows the spirituality of the moment even in what is not explicit in the image.
Tanner's Annuciation
When I visit the works of exceptional artist's I am always so moved at the greatness of God working through man.
2 hours ago